Business Immigration
Soluciones estratégicas de inmigración empresarial para el éxito global
Entendemos que la inmigración empresarial impulsa el crecimiento y la innovación corporativos. Durante tres décadas, nuestros abogados especializados en inmigración empresarial han brindado soluciones estratégicas de inmigración a empresas de Fortune 500, empresas emergentes y organizaciones internacionales. Desde empresas emergentes hasta corporaciones multinacionales, ofrecemos estrategias de inmigración sofisticadas que se alinean con sus objetivos comerciales.
La visa E-1 es una categoría de visa para no inmigrantes que permite a las personas de ciertos países con los que se ha firmado un tratado ingresar a los Estados Unidos con el propósito de participar en el comercio internacional. Para ser elegible para la visa E-1, el solicitante debe ser ciudadano de un país con el que se ha firmado un tratado y venir a los Estados Unidos para participar en un comercio sustancial entre los Estados Unidos y su país de origen. El comercio debe ser principalmente entre los Estados Unidos y el país con el que se ha firmado un tratado.
Para calificar para la visa E-1, el solicitante debe demostrar que ha realizado una inversión sustancial en el negocio y que busca ingresar a los Estados Unidos únicamente para participar en este negocio. El negocio debe ser continuo y debe constituir una proporción significativa del negocio del solicitante.
The E-1 visa is only available to nationals of certain treaty countries. To find out if your country is a treaty country, you can check the list of treaty countries provided below:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Chile, China (Only Taiwan), Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, South Korea, Kosovo, Latvia, Liberia, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia
La visa de inversionista E-2 es un tipo de visa que permite a los ciudadanos de 79 países invertir y administrar una empresa en los Estados Unidos. La inversión requerida es de aproximadamente $90,000 y cualquier empresa califica.
Requisitos para la visa de inversionista E-2
Para calificar para la visa de inversionista E-2, el solicitante debe ser ciudadano de uno de los países elegibles y debe ser propietario de al menos el 50% de la empresa. El solicitante puede utilizar sus propios fondos o pedir préstamos a terceros, pero debe proporcionar la documentación del préstamo y la garantía. La visa no da lugar a una tarjeta verde, pero se puede renovar cada 2 años siempre que el solicitante continúe realizando negocios.
How to apply for the E-2 Investor Visa
To start the E-2 process, a business plan and an escrow account showing commitment of approximately $90,000 to the business are often sufficient. If needed, the Birg Law can provide business acquisition and management solutions for a newly started business or assist in finding and analyzing a business to be purchased. However, a legal consultation is necessary before any action is taken. The E-2 Visa can be obtained in about 2-3 months and allows the applicant’s spouse and children to live, work, and attend school in the U.S.
Citizens of the following countries are eligible to apply:
Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Grenada, Honduras, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Korea (South), Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, and UK.
Visa H-1B
Para trabajadores profesionales
La visa H-1B es una categoría de visa de no inmigrante que permite a las personas trabajar temporalmente en los Estados Unidos. Está diseñada específicamente para trabajadores profesionales empleados en ocupaciones especializadas. Esta visa se reconoce como de “doble intención”, lo que significa que permite la intención de inmigrar en algún momento en el futuro mientras se mantiene el estatus de no inmigrante. La autorización de la visa se limita al puesto de trabajo descrito en la petición H-1B y al empleador solicitante.
To qualify for an H-1B visa, the individual must possess at least a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in a specialty occupation. The occupation should require theoretical and practical application of highly specialized knowledge in a particular field, such as architecture, engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, social sciences, medicine, health, education, law, accounting, business specialties, theology, and the arts. In addition, the foreign national worker must hold a state licensure if required in the occupation.
How to Apply
Employers in the United States may sponsor foreign nationals for H-1B visas. The process involves filing a petition with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on behalf of the employee. The petition must include all necessary documents and fees. The USCIS will then review the petition and approve or deny the visa request. Spouses and unmarried minor children of H-1B visa holders may also apply for H-4 visas to reside and study in the United States but are not permitted to work. It is essential to note that the process of obtaining permanent residence (green card) can take many years, and renewing H-1B visas may be necessary while waiting for permanent residency.
La visa L1A está diseñada para profesionales con conocimientos especializados que puedan demostrar una comprensión única de los servicios, la investigación, los productos, las técnicas, la gestión, los equipos o los intereses de su empresa y cómo se aplican en los mercados internacionales. Alternativamente, pueden tener un nivel avanzado de conocimiento o experiencia en los procedimientos y procesos de la organización.
Este tipo de visa se otorga por una duración de un año para empresas nuevas y de tres años para empresas existentes. Los titulares de una visa L1B pueden solicitar extensiones en incrementos de dos años por un máximo de cinco años.
*para ciudadanos extranjeros que hayan trabajado en el extranjero en una filial extranjera de la entidad estadounidense patrocinadora en una función ejecutiva o gerencial.
La visa L-1A está destinada a ciudadanos no estadounidenses que hayan trabajado anteriormente en puestos ejecutivos o gerenciales en una filial extranjera de la entidad patrocinadora estadounidense. Una persona con capacidad ejecutiva puede tomar decisiones importantes con una supervisión mínima, mientras que una persona con capacidad gerencial puede supervisar y dirigir el trabajo de otros empleados y administrar una organización, un departamento, una subdivisión, una función u otro componente de la organización.
La diferencia entre
Visas L-1A y L-1B
To qualify for the L-1A visa, applicants must have worked for a related entity abroad for at least 12 continuous months out of the last three years at the time of application, and the work must have been in an executive, managerial, or specialized knowledge capacity for a parent company, branch, subsidiary, or affiliate of the same employer. There must also be a qualifying relationship with a foreign company, such as a parent company, branch, subsidiary, or affiliate.
If the purpose of the executive or manager’s travel is to open a new office in the U.S., additional conditions must be met, including the securing of a physical office location by the employer, the individual having executive, managerial, or specialized knowledge capacity, and the individual having been employed in that position for one continuous year in the three years preceding the filing of the petition. The intended U.S. office must also support an executive or managerial position within one year of the approved petition.
How to Apply
The L-1A visa application process requires the participation of both the employer and the foreign national, and typically involves the following steps:
The employer files Form I-129, which includes a detailed description of the manager or executive role, along with the appropriate fees.
The employer receives a receipt number upon approval of Form I-129.
The foreign national completes Form DS-160 online.
The foreign national schedules a visa interview appointment.
The foreign national attends the visa interview, bringing all necessary L-1 visa documents.
La visa L-1B es una visa para no inmigrantes que permite que un empleado de una empresa extranjera se transfiera a una empresa relacionada en los Estados Unidos para trabajar en una función de conocimiento especializado. El empleado debe haber trabajado para la empresa extranjera durante al menos un año continuo en los tres años anteriores a la solicitud de la visa y debe estar empleado en un puesto que requiera conocimiento especializado de los productos, servicios, técnicas, equipos, gestión o intereses de la empresa. La visa L-1B se otorga normalmente por un período de tres años, con la posibilidad de prórrogas de hasta cinco años.
The foreign worker must have worked for the related foreign company for at least one continuous year within the past three years.
The employee must have unique knowledge of the company’s products, services, techniques, equipment, management, or interests and must possess expertise that is not readily available in the U.S.
The U.S. company and the foreign company must have a qualifying relationship, such as being a parent company, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate.
The U.S. company must have the financial ability to pay the foreign worker’s salary.
The foreign worker must not be a majority owner of either the U.S. or foreign company.
The foreign worker must have the necessary education, training, and experience to perform the specialized knowledge job in the United States.
How to Apply
Your U.S. employer must file Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on your behalf. This petition should include information about the job offer and your qualifications for the specialized knowledge job.
Include all necessary supporting documents, such as educational credentials, and proof of employment with the foreign company. Pay the filing fee and any other applicable fees.
Once USCIS approves the Form I-129 petition, you can apply for a change of status or extension of stay, depending on your current immigration status.
If you are approved for a change of status or extension of stay, you can continue working for your U.S. employer in a specialized knowledge capacity.
It is important to note that the L-1B visa application process can be complex, and it is recommended that you seek the assistance of an experienced immigration attorney to help guide you through the process.
La visa O-1 es una visa de no inmigrante disponible para ciudadanos extranjeros con habilidades extraordinarias en las ciencias, las artes, la educación, los negocios, los deportes o la industria de la televisión o el cine. Esta visa permite a las personas venir temporalmente a los Estados Unidos para continuar trabajando en su área de habilidad extraordinaria.
To qualify for an O-1 visa, the applicant must demonstrate sustained national or international acclaim in their field of expertise. The applicant must provide evidence of their extraordinary ability, such as awards, publications, membership in associations, and other recognition. In addition, the O-2 visa is available for essential support personnel who assist O-1 visa holders in specific athletic or artistic events or in the motion picture or television industry. The O-2 applicant must be experienced in critical skills and services that cannot be performed by others and have a long-standing working relationship with the O-1 alien.
Процесс подачи
How to Apply
The process of applying for an O-1 or O-2 visa involves filing a petition with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The petition must include all necessary documents and fees and demonstrate the applicant’s eligibility for the visa. Spouses and dependent children of the O-1 or O-2 visa holder may apply for an O-3 visa but are not eligible to work in this classification. They may engage in full-time or part-time study.
Процесс подачи
Visa EB-1
Los inmigrantes con “Habilidad Extraordinaria” en las ciencias, las artes, la educación, los negocios o el deporte pueden obtener una Visa EB-1A y una Tarjeta Verde sin ningún requisito de tener un empleador, una oferta de trabajo o cualquier otro interés comercial en los EE. UU. o en el extranjero, siempre que tengan la intención de continuar su actividad profesional en los EE. UU. y califiquen en base al cumplimiento de al menos tres de diez calificaciones.
Need to meet 3 out of 10 criteria below
You received nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in your field or profession.
You have a membership in an association (in the field) that demands the outstanding achievement of members.
Articles or other materials about you have been published in major media or professional publications.
You have been asked to judge the work of others, either individually or on a panel of judges.
You have made original contributions in your field – science, art, sport, or business.
You have been the author of scholarly articles in professional publications or major media.
Your work has been displayed at artistic exhibitions or showcases.
You have performed a leading or critical role in distinguished organizations.
You have a high salary or other high compensation compared to others in the field.
You had commercial successes in performing arts.
Exención por Interés Nacional (NIW)
La Exención de Interés Nacional EB-2 (NIW) es un tipo de categoría de tarjeta verde basada en el empleo para ciudadanos extranjeros que poseen títulos avanzados o habilidades excepcionales en ciencias, artes o negocios, y que pueden demostrar que su trabajo en los Estados Unidos sería de interés nacional.
Normalmente, para obtener una tarjeta verde basada en el empleo en la categoría EB-2, un solicitante debe tener una oferta de trabajo de un empleador estadounidense que esté dispuesto a patrocinarlo y pasar por el proceso de certificación laboral.
How to Apply
There are two categories under which you may apply:
1) “Advanced Degree”, which is any degree higher than a bachelor's degree.
2) “Exceptional Ability”, which means that you must qualify under at least 3 out of 7 criteria stated below:
Education in the field of expertise (such as a bachelor's degree)
10 years of work experience
License or certification
Membership in qualification-based professional associations
Recognition of achievements by peers, professionals, or business organizations in the profession, including publications, abstracts, publication citations, invitations to conferences, and similar materials
High salary or other exceptional compensation, such as an award of a grant or monetary prize
Or similar criteria, such as a high business income, ability to hire US employees, having a profession or business activity included in the Critical and Emerging Technologies List by the White House, (link), or other value recognized by the US Government, academia, or other institutions
La visa EB-3 es una visa de clase preferencial diseñada para profesionales, trabajadores calificados y “otros trabajadores”. Esta visa se otorga a personas que desean ingresar a los Estados Unidos para trabajar en un puesto calificado que requiere un mínimo de dos años de capacitación o experiencia. Es importante tener en cuenta que esta categoría de visa separa a los profesionales y trabajadores calificados de los trabajadores no calificados para la asignación de números de visa disponibles.
National Interest Waiver requests are determined based on evidence that approval of the waiver has been requested by an interested US government agency and the waiver will:
Improve the U.S. economy;
Improve wages and working conditions of U.S. workers;
Improve education and training programs for U.S. children and under-qualified workers;
Improve health care;
Provide more affordable housing for young and/or older, poorer U.S. residents;
Improve the environment of the United States and make more productive use of natural resources.
It is important to note that meeting these requirements does not guarantee that an applicant will receive an EB-2 visa with a National Interest Waiver. Each case is considered on its own merit, and the USCIS will evaluate the evidence presented by the applicant to determine whether they have met the requirements.
EB-4 Special Immigrants is a visa preference class that encompasses three categories of people: religious workers, certain long-time employees of the U.S. government, and citizens of Iraq or Afghanistan who have worked for the U.S. Armed Forces as a translator for at least one year.
For religious workers, the permanent residence process involves two phases: the Special Immigrant Visa Petition and the Permanent Residence Application. To apply, the petitioner must be a religious organization or affiliate that has received or would receive recognition from the Internal Revenue Service as a bona fide non-profit religious organization. Additionally, the employer must demonstrate the present financial capacity to support the beneficiary and have a genuine need for the R-1 worker’s services. The job offered must be a full-time position in a religious occupation, and the beneficiary must be qualified to work in a religious occupation.
How to Apply
To apply for the visa, the petitioner must file a Special Immigrant Petition (Form I-360), which, once approved, allows for the permanent residence application to be filed. Eligible family members of the employee can also apply for permanent residence at this time.
El programa de visas para inversionistas inmigrantes EB-5 se creó para atraer capital extranjero a los Estados Unidos y crear empleos. Permite a los inversionistas extranjeros elegibles obtener la residencia permanente en los Estados Unidos. Para calificar, el inversionista debe invertir al menos $1 millón en una empresa comercial que creará empleo de tiempo completo para al menos diez trabajadores. Alternativamente, si la inversión se realiza en una zona rural o con alto desempleo, la inversión mínima requerida es de $500,000.
The investment funds may be held in escrow until the investor’s permanent residency is approved. To meet the program’s requirements, the investor can establish a new business, purchase the assets of an existing business and make substantial changes to the organization, or expand an existing business and make significant changes to its net worth or employee count. Passive real estate investments or stock ownership do not qualify. The investor must actively participate in a qualifying company’s board of directors to meet the program’s requirements.
Permanent residence is conditional for the first two years under the fifth preference immigrant category. The investor must document that the investment was properly capitalized, the business remains viable, and it continues to meet all other requirements before the end of the second year to receive unconditional permanent residency.
How to Apply
Investors can choose to invest in a pre-approved “Regional Center,” which is any entity, public or private, involved in promoting economic growth, regional productivity, job creation, and domestic capital investment. USCIS designates Regional Centers as eligible to receive immigrant investor capital. To apply for the EB-5 visa program, investors must file a petition with USCIS and provide evidence of their investment, its source, and its potential for creating jobs.
PERM | Certificación Laboral
The Labor Certification / PERM process allows foreign workers to obtain an employment visa and Green Card in the United States. This process is an essential step for getting a Green Card based on a job offer. The employer can apply for a Green Card for their employee once they receive the labor certification. The family of the employee also receives the same Green Card. The key to the labor certification process is proving that the employer cannot find a suitable US employee for the open position.
To apply for the Labor Certification / PERM process, the employer needs to draft a job description and file an application. The Department of Labor establishes the prevailing wage based on the job description and experience. The employer must establish that there are no qualified US workers available for the position by advertising the position and following the recruitment process. If there are no qualified US applicants, the employer may file a Labor Certification petition. The employer must demonstrate their ability to pay the employee, and the job must be full-time.
How to Apply
The employer can apply for the Labor Certification / PERM process by drafting a job description and filing an application. The Department of Labor establishes the prevailing wage, and the employer must follow the advertising requirements and recruitment process. If there are no qualified US applicants, the employer may file a Labor Certification petition. If approved, the employer can file an Immigrant Petition for the immigrant worker to receive their Green Card. The alien employee does not have to be in the US at the time of filing, and the family of the Green Card recipient may also receive Green Cards.
The P-1 visa is a temporary work visa that allows athletes, entertainers, and other performers who are internationally recognized as outstanding in their field to come to the United States to participate in a specific event or performance. The visa is designed to allow these individuals or groups to showcase their talents and skills in the United States and to compete or perform at a high level.
P-1 visa holders can participate in various types of events, such as sporting events, music concerts, theatrical performances, or dance competitions. The P-1 visa is granted for the duration of the event or performance, and the visa holder is allowed to stay in the United States only for the time necessary to complete the event or performance.
Eligibility: To be eligible for a P-1 visa, you must be an individual or group that is internationally recognized as outstanding in a specific field. This could include athletes, entertainers, and artists.
Sponsorship: You must have a U.S. employer or agent to act as your sponsor. The sponsor must file a petition on your behalf with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Contract: You must have a written contract with the sponsor outlining the terms and conditions of your performance or event.
Performance: You must be coming to the United States to perform in a specific event or performance. The event must be internationally recognized.
Duration: The P-1 visa is temporary and is granted for the duration of the event or performance.
Supporting Documents: You must provide supporting documents, such as proof of international recognition, a detailed itinerary of the event or performance, and evidence of your qualifications and experience in the field.
No Dual Intent: You must not have the intention to immigrate permanently to the United States.
How to Apply
Find a U.S. sponsor: You must have a U.S. employer or agent to act as your sponsor. The sponsor must file a petition on your behalf with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Gather supporting documents: You must provide supporting documents, such as proof of international recognition, a detailed itinerary of the event or performance, and evidence of your qualifications and experience in the field.
File the petition: Your sponsor must file Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, with the USCIS. The petition should include all supporting documents and the filing fee.
Attend a visa interview if you are in your home country: After the petition is approved by USCIS, you must schedule a visa interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country. You will need to provide additional documents and undergo a biometric screening.
Wait for visa approval: If your visa application is approved, you will receive your P-1 visa, which will allow you to enter the United States and participate in the event or performance.
A P-3 visa is a type of non-immigrant visa issued by the United States for artists or entertainers who are coming to the U.S. to perform, teach, or coach in a culturally unique program.
The P-3 visa is specifically designed for individuals or groups that are culturally unique and part of a program that is traditionally recognized as unique or indigenous to a particular country, such as folk music, dance, theater, or crafts. The program must be established, meaning that it must have a history of performances, publications, or exhibitions, and the artists or entertainers must be recognized as being skilled in the cultural tradition.
Participation in a cultural event that showcases your unique art form and furthers its understanding.
Being part of a commercial or non-commercial program.
Intending to depart the US after the visa expires.
If you are an essential support personnel, such as a coach or trainer, you may also be eligible for the P-3 Visa. You must demonstrate that your assistance is crucial to the success of the performance and that it cannot be provided by a US worker.